1.a pleasant situation that exists only in your imagination
1.The concept " space" seems to be suddenly drive a kind of dream world sort of even is infringed upon by supernatural existence.
2.The dream world is constructed within a field that you cannot physically perceive, but it has more continuity than the world you know.
3.Within the dream world, I was in my own kitchen, and I knew that my body was asleep on the couch and that I was definitely dreaming.
4.You know you're in a dream world when the physical laws of the universe appear to have changed.
5.Your lives will be transformed into what seems to be a dream world, yet for you it will be perfectly real.
6.Listen, you're living in a dream world if you think Congress is ever going to pass any kind of handgun control law.
7.When dreaming, one tends to believe fully in the reality of the dream world, however strange it may be.
8.Let me give a wish list of my dream world that I would like to see emerge by 2050.
9.There's no spiritual meaning or social resonance to any of this, no critique of power in the dream-world struggle between C. E. O. s.
10.For most of this trial, I haven't bothered to stick to much of a routine. If this is a dream world, then what's the point?